Zizheng's team won the First Place in the 2024 CADathlon contest at ICCAD

Zizheng Guo and Jing Mai have won the first place in the 2024 CADathlon contest at ICCAD, advised by Prof. Yibo Lin.
The CADathlon is a challenging, all-day programming competition focusing on practical problems at the forefront of Computer-Aided Design and Electronic Design Automation in particular. The contest emphasizes the knowledge of algorithmic techniques for CAD applications, problem-solving and programming skills, and teamwork.
As the “Olympic games of EDA,” the contest brings together the best and the brightest of the next generation of CAD professionals. It gives academia and the industry a unique perspective on challenging problems and rising stars, and it also helps attract top graduate students to the EDA field.
CADathlon competition consists of six problems in the following areas:
Circuit Design & Analysis Physical Design & Design for Manufacturability Logic & High-Level Synthesis System Design & Analysis Functional Verification & Testing Future technologies (Bio-EDA, Security, AI, etc.)
The award is given at the ICCAD 2024 opening ceremony.
Cheers and thanks to all team members and advisors!